Run for Blue Events!

About Us

Our mission

Welcome to our charity event, an initiative founded by a group of passionate students in the UK after a transformative visit to Vietnam. Inspired by meeting the CEO, Do Duy Vi who himself was once a street child,, and witnessing the incredible work of Blue Dragon, we are dedicated to raising £100,000 in 2024 to support this important cause. Our mission is to raise money and awareness in the UK for Blue Dragon, a grassroots charity founded in 2003, committed to ending human trafficking in Vietnam.

Blue Dragon rescues and cares for victims of human trafficking and children at risk, such as street children, kids with disabilities, and those from impoverished families. They provide emergency responses and prevent trafficking through education, family livelihoods, community training, and law advocacy. By July 2024, Blue Dragon Rescued 1,594 people from trafficking, Represented 285 people in court cases, Sent 6,396 kids back to school & training , Provided shelter to 1,815 girls & boys , Placed 466 teens in jobs , Served 687,023 meals , Built 269 homes for families, Reunited 810 runaways with their families, Obtained legal papers for 13,553 people

Our event aims to build a strong network of 6th formers from various schools across England, offering them a chance to learn about global issues while engaging in meaningful fundraising.

Participants will have the opportunity to win exciting prizes, including trips to Vietnam, where they can explore different cultures and witness firsthand the impact of their efforts. Join us in making a difference. Together, we can empower vulnerable children and contribute to a world free from human trafficking. We aim make this an annual event, uniting communities and creating lasting change.

Tissot Gia Hung Do

Tissot has enjoyed a long journey with Blue Dragon from working with the charity through his secondary school to more recently volunteering and directly getting involved with the foundation’s works. For long, it has been a goal of his to create a lasting contribution towards the mission and goal of the charity, expanding the message globally. Together, he and Arthur drafted the plan for an annual fundraising event in England centred around the involvement of students from schools across the UK. Through this, Tissot hopes to further raise awareness to Blue Dragon’s cause and its operations whilst creating a student lead network that aims to ignite change locally and globally.

Arthur Gordon-Harris

Arthur's journey began in 2023 when Tissot invited him to Vietnam, sparking a transformative experience. Collaborating with Blue Dragon Charity, he met Vi, a former street child, whose story deeply moved him. Inspired by this encounter and a heartfelt moment with children, Arthur committed to creating change. Partnering with Tissot, he envisioned an annual fundraiser in England, offering students a unique experience. His goal: to revolutionise student events, fostering cultural exploration and support from 20 diverse schools, unmatched by others.

Arabella Mackenzie

Arabella joined the Blue Dragon event team at the start of the project in the summer of 2023. She collaborates with other members of the Blue Dragon to assist organize our event and locate representatives from all backgrounds from across the UK, supporting inclusivity and focused development to achieve our ultimate charitable aims. She is looking forward to assisting others in contributing to worthy causes such as the Blue Dragon in Vietnam. Through fundraising for our event, she hopes to make a difference in the lives of many young people who have been harmed and to help restore a safe and welcome environment for them.

Edward Elliott

Ed learnt about Blue Dragon and their works through his friends at school , serving as the Head of Sporting operations he aims to make a meaningful contribution towards the organisation’s work. A dedicated rugby player, Ed brings the same commitment and teamwork from the field to his volunteer leadership. His role involves coordinating and motivating our volunteers, participants and elements of the race, ensuring smooth operations and alignment with our mission. Passionate about supporting Blue Dragon’s mission to combat human trafficking and aid vulnerable children in Vietnam, Ed’s enthusiasm and leadership are key to the event. We are proud to have him driving our volunteer efforts with dedication and heart.

Blue Dragon Events

Our format

Join us for the exhilarating Blue Dragon Fun Run, where runners will tackle a 7.5 km course while raising crucial funds through JustGiving to support Blue Dragon's efforts. Each participant's fundraising efforts earn them raffle tickets for a chance to win exciting prizes, including a grand prize of a car. Winners of the race, both top boy and girl, will have the opportunity to choose between a memorable trip to Vietnam or a brand-new phone. Additionally, the top fundraiser on JustGiving will receive a new phone as a special reward. Throughout the event, participants can refuel with complimentary food and drinks while enjoying the lively atmosphere set by our DJ.

The race element is the centrepiece of the event. This is where students can compete in the run whilst also using it as a platform for fundraising. Prizes for winners and top fundraisers provide incentive and extra motivation for students to exceed their fundraising.

expectations towards a worthy cause. The Grand Raffle is another prize-related aspect where a level-playing field is created for winning as anybody who ran and raised a certain amount of donations is eligible in the raffle. This means more will be willing to race as it does not matter whether or not you are fast or slow, you are still able to win an important prize.

Don't miss this chance to run, fundraise, and have fun whilst making a meaningful impact on the lives of vulnerable children in Vietnam with us!
